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Alaska Cruise Ship Jobs

Cruise Ship Jobs

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Alaska Cruise Ship

Working on a cruise ship is an excellent way to make money out of Alaskan tourism. Alaskan cruises are some of the most popular vacations to take and cruise lines sail the waters of Alaska in both the summer months as well as in the winter. Therefore, while seasonal employment does exist in the summer for cruise ship jobs (when cruising is most popular) it is also available in the winter. Those willing to work longer than just one season are in incredibly high demand because the cruise lines aren’t required to re-train dedicated employees. Those who stick with it for longer than one season often move up to higher earning positions.

Cruise ships, because of their sheer size have a variety of positions available. Thus, at any given time there are almost always open jobs. The cruise ship industry makes millions of dollars in revenue each year and the field is certainly growing. Therefore, working for a cruise ship represents an excellent way to earn money and see the world. If seasonal employment is your only concern and you are simply looking for a good way to earn money, there is no need for you to apply to cruise lines that run specifically out of Alaska. You can apply at any time and be on your way to seeing the world in no time! Some potential employees however, are eager to see specific parts of the world (like Alaska for example) and thus, apply for cruise lines that sail in one specific area. This is equally as common and while limiting yourself to a cruise line that sails only one area of the world might in turn limit your job opportunities, procuring a job on a cruise line is infamous in terms of good seasonal work and high earning potentials.

Cruise ship jobs are like fishing jobs in many ways. The hours can be long and sleeping conditions tight and isolated. One of the largest complaints from cruise ship employees is the hours in which you are working. Because most jobs require employees to stay on the ship it can begin to feel as if you are working 24-hours a day. However, the long hours always translate into high paychecks and like fishing jobs, the potential to earn is incredibly high because your employer often pays for most of the living expenses.  Therefore room and board, food costs and medical expenses are either all paid, or represent very low costs for employees.

Also like fishing jobs, some of the best cruise ship jobs are unadvertised, so finding the right one can be tricky. Sending out applications and researching the industry are the best ways to procure a cruise ship job. Knowing the positions you are qualified for, and applying well in advance will increase your chances of finding the seasonal employment as well as the paycheck of your dreams.

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